Is it Time for Brick Wall Repair?

We look at our homes every single day, but we don’t really pay attention to them. Brick wall repair is something that might be hard to pick up on if you just glance at your house on your way back home from work or the movies. Luckily, there are a couple of things that you can pay more attention to in order to identify the need for repairs to your brick wall(s). Signs [...]

What are the Benefits of a Brick Retaining Wall?

When it comes to the construction of a retaining wall, you have many material options available to you. The experts at Masonry Dr know how to install every type of retaining wall, but there’s something to be said for a brick retaining wall. There is certainly no “wrong” choice that you can make when choosing the material for your retaining wall, but brick offers a unique aesthetic while remaining highly functional. Continue reading [...]

Different Types of Retaining Walls

Installing retaining walls can preserve your yard as well as maintain its shape. Several different materials can be used to build a retaining wall like concrete, stone, and masonry bricks. How skilled the mason working on the wall is will also play a role. Yards are seriously vulnerable to water. Those living in areas where they get lots of rain throughout the year know about this more than anyone else. The more uneven [...]

Do You Need Retaining Wall Repair?

Before you can determine whether you need retaining wall repair, you need to understand the purpose of a retaining wall. The role of the retaining wall is to prevent erosion through retaining the pressure of substrate and soil. Gravity is constantly acting on the soil that your property sits on top of, which directly causes the erosion that a retaining wall works to prevent. To adequately prevent erosion from taking place, retaining walls [...]

Advantages of Retaining Wall Installation

The main reason retaining walls are used is to contain the soil behind it either by holding it back or retaining it. Obviously retaining walls are also considered beautiful pieces of architecture and add value to your home, but people don’t primarily do retaining wall installation only for aesthetics, but also for functionality. Retaining walls don’t come in fixed forms, lots of materials can be used to construct and repair them. These include [...]

Are You Neglecting the Need for Brick Wall Repair?

We like to think our homes and houses are indestructible because they provide us with a sense of safety, but unfortunately, they aren’t. Yes, they shield and protect us from harsh weather and others, but that doesn’t mean they’re completely immune to these things themselves. You need to know when it’s time for brick wall repair in order to keep your home as sturdy and solid as ever. Is a Brick Wall Repair [...]

What a Brick Wall Mason Has to Say about Brick Damage

Brick walls are very rigid which is necessary to make them durable and sturdy. This rigidity comes at a price though as shifts in the foundation, or even the Earth’s crust, can damage it over time according to a brick wall mason. Think of it this way, what’s more likely to break quickly if you insist on bending it, a pencil or a rubber band? The pencil will break because it’s too rigid [...]

Why is Retaining Wall Repair Necessary?

Just like anything in or around your home, a retaining wall is subjected to the ravages of time and can eventually start to suffer for it. No matter how well it was constructed and how well the structure has been cared for, retaining wall repair is something that will become necessary in nearly every space. Under a few circumstances you could witness these problems with your retaining wall: Crumbling Collapsing Tilting Detaching from [...]

Do You Need Brick Retaining Wall Repair?

Brick retaining walls are a common feature on Texan properties, and Masonry Dr frequently sees homeowners and business owners in need of brick retaining wall repair. These walls serve the purpose of keeping soil from collapsing when it is sloped or elevated. The construction of these walls is intended to be sturdy and capable of withstanding the damages caused by the elements and the ground itself. A brick retaining wall is subjected to [...]