Brick mailbox repairs servicing North Dallas Metro Area

When you live in a HOA community, it can be difficult to understand and stay in line with the aesthetic requirements that residents must meet. Fortunately, a brick screen wall is very likely to meet those requirements while still providing the resident with some privacy. Below, we’ll explain some of the benefits that you can get when you install a wall of this nature on your Texas property.

The Benefits of a Brick Screen Wall

Brick screen walls are standalone features that offer aesthetic and privacy qualities that most homeowners love. They look beautiful and, for that reason, are typically approved by homeowner’s associations. Aside from the aesthetic qualities, let’s look at some more of the benefits that a brick screen wall can bring to your property.

  1. Brick screen walls add dimension and depth to a backyard. When the wall is installed closer to the property rather than the property line, this can actually create a visual effect that makes the backyard look larger than it really is.
  2. A brick screen wall adds value to the home. The ROI is something that a homeowner can truly appreciate when they can ask for a higher price upon resale of the home.
  3. Brick screen walls can be constructed in any number of colors and patterns, so the design can be just as unique as you are. Unless your HOA has drafted very rigid outlines as to what colors and patterns of brick are acceptable, you can have a brick wall installed to meet your individual tastes. No matter what you choose, the results are going to look incredible.
  4. Privacy is something that most of us consider important, and a brick screen wall enables privacy without seeming stifling. There is a minimal amount of space that people can see through, which protects privacy while allowing for optimal airflow through the space.
  5. The small holes in the brick allow harsh winds to pass through, minimizing the risk of damage being sustained by the brick screen wall.
  6. The presence of holes within the brick makes for a great, innate drainage system that works to increase the stability and durability of support walls.

Brick screen walls are beautiful and functional ways of adding a little something extra to your home’s appearance. You can choose to match the brick of the screen wall to the brick of your home’s exterior, or you can go the other way to provide some striking contrast. Whichever you choose, you are going to have beautiful results that will make you the envy of the HOA.

Homeowner’s associations can be unfortunately rigid in how they prefer homes to look. There’s no getting around that fact, sad to say. But you can inject your own aesthetic and preference through the installation of a brick screen wall.  Because brick screen walls increase the beauty of a space and boost the value of a home, it’s very likely that your HOA will be glad to allow it.